Taiwan as the World Turns: Ma Ying-jeou Feels His "Anus" is More Important than the Nation's Economy?

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Friday June 28, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.

Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou in closed door and non-transparent trade negotiations signed off on trade agreement with China that threatens the small and medium business enterprises of the nation. These negotiations had been done without consultation of the Legislative Yuan and other related and affected entities of the nation. What Ma did threatens the economic growth and survival of the nation putting it more under the thumb of China.

Ironically at the same time, the Presidential Office announced that two colorectal polyps had been found and removed from Ma's anus during his annual physical exam.

Taiwanese film director Chen Yu-hsun put it bluntly in a posting, saying to effect, why all the secrecy about the trade deal which threatens the nation and its small and medium businesses and yet almost openly bragging that these two polyps had been removed from the entrance to Ma's anus?

This would be funny if the nation's weakening economy were not threatened with the almost dictatorial silence by Ma as he seemingly wants to put the nation at risk. Many still remember Ma's failure to deliver on his 6-3-3 promise made over 5 years ago; they are increasingly concerned because he seems bent on making secret deals with China. There will be more on this. The citizens will need to follow and see if the KMT legislators go along with Ma and fail to scrutinize this threatening trade pact.